Avv. Gianpietro Quiriconi graduated in Law at the University of Milan with a thesis entitled “The transfer of copyright”.
He was Assistant Professor of Private law at the University of Milan from 1975 to 1980.
He was admitted to the Milan Bar Association in 1979 and listed in the Special Register of Lawyers before the Italian Higher Courts and before European Community Courts in 1994.
He is the founder and owner of Quiriconi Law Firm, with headquarters in Milan and a branch office in Florence.
Gianpietro Quiriconi is an expert lawyer in Copyright and Entertainment law, has assisted numerous authors and artists/performers for over forty years and is the trusted attorney of some of the most important Italian and international publishing, recording and entertainment companies, offering legal representation before the Courts and of out-of-court legal advice and assistance.
He has also collaborated as an author of legal principles derived from case law for the magazine “Le Sezioni Specializzate Italiane della Proprietà Industriale ed Intellettuale”.
He collaborates with the magazine “Rivista di Diritto Industriale” and is a member of the Management Committee of the magazine “Il Diritto di Autore”.
He is the author of numerous articles published in specialized legal magazines in the field of Industrial and Intellectual Property.
He is a Professor at training, research and in-depth study seminars and workshops on Copyright and Entertainment law and a Speaker at conferences and lectures for scientific and professional training.
He is a member of ALAI – International Literary and Artistic Association.
He speaks Italian and French.